Thursday, February 28, 2013

Investigating Themes in Of Mice and Men

Question #1

What different forms of power exist in Of Mice and Men? What kind of power does Lennie have? What kind of power does George have? What kinds of power or powerlessness do other characters possess?

The different types of power that exist in Of Mice and Men is physical, mental, economical, racial, and sexual.  Physical power means the appearance of strength and force to defeat something.  Mental power means to use the mind as strength to solve, defeat problems, etc.  Economical power means to have adequate resources to enforce economic decisions as a leader.  Racial power means power reached on the basis of race that one race is superior to others.  Sexual power is the ability to excite or attract someone by their appearance sexually.

Lennie has mainly physical power because he is big and strong.  Even though George tells Lennie to fight Curley and not be fired he demonstrates physical power, "The next minute Curley was flopping like a fish on a line, and his fist was closed fist was lost in Lennie's big hand," (Steinbeck 63).  George has mental power because he is smart and helps Lennie to be safe. George tells Lennie, "  Lennie--if you jus' happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an' hide in the brush.  Hide in the brush till I come for you," (Steinbeck 15).  

Slim also has mental power like George.  Carlson has physical power like Lennie but not like him.  Curley's wife has sexual power that catches people's attention like Lennie.  Curley lacks sexual power because he feels small and manliness without his wife.  Crook lacks racial power because he is black and has to be lonely.  The boss has economical power.  He is both rich and wealthy to make the decisions of his own business.  Carlson also lacks economical power because of his limitations in economic conditions in which he killed Candy's dog.  Candy lacks physical power because of his hand when working in the ranch previously and therefore in not strong. 

On Youtube I found a video that talks about that hard times bring fear and the result is in violence and discrimination towards America's racial and ethnic minorities.

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