Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chapter 3 Notes

Chapter - Note Taking Criteria

Summary= Slim talks to George about him working together with Lennie and is surprised that  Lennie being a big, strong, childish/stupid guy and George being a small, smart guy are together.  Carlson then walks in the bunkhouse and can't stand the smell of the ancient dog of Candy's and says it stinks in here, so living much wouldn't help the dog and offers to kill him since Candy resists.  Slim also agrees and that leaves Candy to give up his dog, whom he took care of since the dog was a small pup.  When Carlson takes the dog outside to be killed, Candy feels motionless, looking at the ceiling when he hears the gun shot from outside of Carlson killing the dog.  Then a black man, Crooks, (who is the stable hand that takes care of the horses by himself because he is black and not allowed to work with the white), comes into the bunkhouse and asks Slim that he needs help tending the horses.  He also told Slim that Lennie has one of his pups and that he might hurt him, but show he is not worried (understanding Lennie) he says "Well, he ain't doin' no harm.  I give him one of them pups."  Curly comes in the bunkhouse later to see if his wife is their but she is not their son instead he finds out that Slim has gone away to help Crooks.  While Whit (another ranch hand who talks about Curly's wife sex to George) and Carlson go to see if their is a fight Lennie wants George to talk about their future dreams and how they will get whatever they want.  Candy wants to join adding 300 bucks to the plan for his share and just then Slim, Whit and Curley come back.  Slim is pissed at Curley for bugging him about his wife. Later Curley get's in a fight with Lennie because he laughed supposedly at Curley for getting dissed by Slim and later Carlson.  Lennie fights back because of George and then Curley is defeat is hand is messed up so he has to go to the hospital with Carlson.  Lennie feels so bad that it was his fault but George reassures him and says I told you do so.

Question= When: 1930's
                  Where: Curley's ranch (staying at bunkhouse)

1. I wonder why Curley decided to hit Lennie in front of everybody even though Lennie laughed knowing that he is stupid? (pg.63-64)

2. Why is Whit so much interested in Curley's wife? Did she do anything to Whit in particular? (pg.55) 

3. Did Lennie lie to George what Slim said to him about the pups and what he was doing in the meanwhile and if so why? (pg.55)

Same characters from chapter 2 except Crooks and Whit

Prediction= I can predict that since Curley went to the hospital his wife would be lookin' for him coming in the bunkhouse and saying every few minutes "Where is he? Where did he go?" I believe that there is going to a false statement about her husband and that he got lost.  Since Curley's wife is like Curley she will pick on Lennie, I think, because he looks powerless, she will trouble him to telling where Curley is when George is no around.  Maybe, also, I have a feeling that Crooks will come to talk to Lennie when George is not around and asks his life status and why he was taking care of a pup, because when he ask Slim he seemed curious but then led it slide because he probably figured that Slim knew what he was during.  (pg.50&65)

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