Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Chapter 5 Notes

Chapter Note - Taking Criteria

Summarize: Lennie and Curley's wife had a discussion in the barn but Lennie tried to refuse cause he told her that George told him not to talk to her and that he would be in big trouble if he finds Lennie had killed a mouse.  Curley's wife tried to discard that and said that was ok.  Curley's wife told stories to Lennie about how life could have been better and she married Curley but hated him.  Lennie then tells Curley's wife that he would tend the rabbit and she told that he was nuts but Lennie said that George say's that he is not nuts and that "I like to pet nice things with my fingers, sof' things," (Steinbeck 90).  Then Curley's wife felt reassured and said she liked velvet but when she showed Lennie that he could stroke her hair gently he wouldn't let go or her hair and she screamed and screamed and Lennie would beg her to stop because George would punish him and then as she struggled Lennie shook her but she had already died from her broken neck.  Lennie feels miserable about what 's going to happen to him next and what's George going to do.  It just so happens that in the barn Curley's wife is dead and from the  horseshoe tournament, Candy sees her and calls/ brings George to ask what had happened to her.  George knew it was Lennie and then George and Candy made a plan about telling the other guys, but not Curley what had happened to Curley's wife.  Then they did their plan and they happen to be in the first stall and all glanced at her dead.  This made Curley mad, not had his hand messed, but now his wife was kill.  Curley was also mad because he stole the gun from Carlson even though George denied that was not through.  Candy stayed with the dead Curley's wife and the rest of them went to get Lennie and kill, even though George was feeling terrified that Lennie didn't do it on purpose and was thinking wildly like he did in Weed, but didn't want to be part of the problem so he went along.

Question: Where= Curley's ranch (out in the barn area)
                  When= In the 1930's

1. Why did Lennie even bother talking to Curley's wife in the first place, if he knew he was going to get into trouble? Was he afraid Curley might do something to him and what? (pg.86)

2. I wonder where Lennie was when after he had killed Curley's wife mistakenly? Still down in the hay or did he leave someplace else? (pg.92)

3. If Curley's wife didn't mind about Curley getting his hand messed up then why was Curley so furious when she found her wife had died? Was he dependent on her? (pg.96)

4. Where is the boss?

Prediction:  I predict that when Curley, George and the rest of the people go since George knows Lennie, since George is less weak and Curley is in more Curley George will just ask Curley that he will sympathize Lennie and then slowly kill him since he is going to so much suffer about his mistake like Carlson killed Candy's dog.  I think this going to happen, because Curley is angry at Lennie for many reasons and will desperately try to find and kill him, but I think George will say when the find Lennie he will kill him but first sympathize and agree to whatever he is saying.  George, Carlson or Curley will have to kill Lennie because of his terrible actions even though he didn't meant it wrong but it seems unreasonable to Curley why would he do it to his wife.  To make Lennie kill Curley's wife, I think she told him to feel her soft hair and Lennie couldn't resist touching her hair after and I think somewhere on the lines George might be thinking a scenario in his similar to that one cause he knows how Lennie functions and acts upon things.

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